Thursday 20 March 2014

Logo for movie production company

This logo is representative of the productions as it is somewhat relatable with children. The bright colours and silly expression of the smiley face are considerably interesting for young children and Comic Sans is a popular font with them, recognizable. The different casing of the letters and the display of varying colours for each one could also be taken into account as favourable for young children. Bright colours are very beneficial for drawing in a younger audience and it also demonstrates who the productions are suitable for.  

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Questions for survey DRAFT

What do you expect from this kind of genre? (Children's film)

What would you like to see in a production of this genre?

Do good guys always have to win?

Film ratings for my production


Sunday 16 March 2014


The living room will open the short movie, bright and warm. The two superheroes will bound in to assist a screaming 'damsel in distress', but will quickly grow confused as to why they are there when she is screaming at everything and nothing.

Following the living room scene, the camera cuts to another scene, one of darkness. A blinding light flashes before the camera and reveals the two superheroes in a trapped predicament with a mysterious figure before them.