Thursday 5 December 2013

Necessary camera shots

Camera shots

Shot/reverse shot is a method commonly used in the filming industry. It concerns two characters- Character A and Character B- most likely when they are engaging in conversation. While Character A is talking, the camera is focused on them, possibly filmed over Character B's shoulder. When Character B speaks, the camera cuts to record them, considerably also over Character A's shoulder.
Shot/reverse shot

The 180 degree rule tells us where characters are placed in a scene. The camera is allowed to move anywhere on one side of an imaginary line- the 180 degree line. The camera does not move to the other side of the line unless it is shown crossing- for example, passing behind a character, from their left to their right, to cross the set line.

180 degree rule


Match on action labels camera movements that follow actions of a character. The camera cuts from one action to the following one, giving the scene a sense of continuity. This technique is always used- it's highly unlikely to find a film or TV production that does not possess match on action.

Match on action

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