Thursday 16 January 2014

Main task basic notes

Actors and costumes:

Billy- Batman!
Thomas- Superman?
Emma- Buzz Lightyear, princess or other


Garden, living room, bedrooms, hallways, kitchen, drive, back room- ENTIRE HOUSE


Nerf guns, fairy wings for Emma, toy guns with lights and sounds, lightsabers, wands, toy weapons, cushions

Rating of production:

U or PG
U- Universal
PG- Parental Guidance
Child friendly video, harmless humour and some idiocy


Drama for the opening sequence could be somebody has taken Emma's chocolate bar or Thomas's sweets and they won't rest until they found out who done it. Billy could get involved as Batman and try to solve the case, but I could include close-ups of him sneakily eating the sweets while Thomas and Emma are bickering over who did it. Needs to have 180 degree rule, match on action, shot/reverse shot, camera shots- close-ups, etc. - script, credits and ORGANIZATION.

Batman going Batty- one of the storyboards- Thomas and Emma try to calm Batman down, but Batman runs about the house. Match-on action could be use to show him running out of the living room and down the hallway, to the kitchen by moving the camera and editing bits out.

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