Tuesday 14 January 2014

Preliminary task evaluation

I have used media conventions such as filming by setting up a camera and organising my younger siblings into various roles for them to play. My younger sister, Emma, was given the job of descending the stairs, opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down, as was required.

The main shot I’ve used was a wide or establishing shot, but I intend to use a variety of other shots for the main task. The mise-en-scene and the layout is simply my home, where it is easier to film as travel is obviously not needed and my siblings can simply be themselves for the camera in an environment that is suitable for them. There are a range of colours and images as I move about the house to do the recordings.

As for addressing the audience, the language is casual, informal, as these are my younger siblings and they have that childish banter and dialect.

Skills I’ve developed during the preliminary task include research, planning and production, all of which proved vital. The research helped me to understand more about filming techniques and camera shots- match on action, close-ups, etc. while the planning gave me ideas to work with and organise the production. These ideas kept changing as new ones emerged every now and then. My favourite ones were drawn up into storyboards and I’ve developed them based on my younger siblings’ interests, habits and personalities.

Editing the video proved difficult to begin with, but I managed to piece together three separate videos, cutting some of the content out and combining it all to make a longer, draft video for the preliminary task. For future filming and editing, I'll have less of my siblings mucking around and just going about their usual activities and try to organise them into the roles of one of my storyboards.

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